
If you have questions or would like to get in touch regarding my research, do not hesitate to contact me.

Selected Publications

[10] Ruiz-Soler, J. & Araya, D. (2024). “We Need a Global AI Strategy : What Role for Canada?”, Centre for Intenrational Governance Innovation. LINK

[9] Ruiz-Soler, J. & Chun, W. (2022). “Regionally Alt-Right? #wexit as Digital Public Sphere”, Canadian Journal of Communication, 47(1): 173-196. LINK

[8] Ruiz-Soler, J., Lavigne, M., Brin, C., Bridgman, A. (2021). “Disinformation Risk Assessment. The online news media market in Canada”. Global Disinformation Index. LINK

[7] Neff, T., Kaiser, J., Pasquetto, I. & Ruiz-Soler, J. (2021). “Vaccine misinformation in digital spaces: A systematic review of the research literature”, Misinformation Review Harvard Kennedy School, 2(5). LINK

[6] Ruiz-Soler, J. (2020). “European Twitter Networks: Toward a transnational European Public Sphere”, International Journal of Communication, 14: 5616-5642. LINK

[5] Ruiz-Soler, J., Curini, L., & Ceron. A. (2019). “Commenting on Politics Topics through Twitter. Is European politics European?”, Social Media + Society, 5(4). LINK

[4] Ruiz-Soler, J. (2018). “The last will be the first. A study of European Issue Publics on Twitter”, in E. Pavan and A. Mattoni (eds.), Partecipazione e conflitto, special issue The Big Data Challenge. From Big Data in Politics to the Politics of Big Data, 11(2): 423-447. LINK

[3] Ruiz-Soler, J. (2017). “The European Public Sphere: exist, can exist, will exist”, APUZ-Bdp Bundestag Magazine. (In German).

[2] Ruiz-Soler, J. (2017). “Twitter research for social scientists: a brief introduction to the benefits, limitations and tools for analysing Twitter data”, Revista Dígitos, University of Valencia, 3/2017: 17-32. LINK

[1] Ruiz-Soler, J. (2014). “The role of the Euroblogosphere in a context of a European Public Sphere”, in: A. Stepinska (ed.) Media and Communication in Europe, Logos Verlag, 61-73, ISBN 978-3-8325-3680-0.

Book Reviews
